Our primary goal is to defend, preserve, and honor the core values of our American Constitution through active participation in a truly Democratic Process.
The Executive Committee of the Hocking County Democratic Party is pleased to announce that your party has embraced the ideals of The Democratic Creed and joins with other like-minded organizations in working to achieve these goals. See a list of all organizations who have voted to work together on this cause and learn more about participating at https://www.dems101.org
The Hocking County Democratic Party office is located at 128 East Main Street in Logan. Our phone number is 740-216-4456
We are an all volunteer organization. This phone may not be answered 24/7, but it is monitored. If you do not receive an answer, please leave a complete message. We will receive your message and the appropriate person will get back to you as soon as possible.The office is on the second floor and can only be reached by stairs – should you need assistance please call ahead and we will do our best to make arrangements with you.
Monthly Meetings are held on the Second Thursday of each month at the Logan Hocking County District Library, 230 E Main Street in Logan – door on N. Walnut Street. unless otherwise noted on the Party Calendar. The Public Meeting begins at 6:30pm. The Central/Executive Committee Business Meeting, to conduct the official business of the Party, begins at the conclusion of Public Meeting, normally at 7:15pm. All are welcome at both meetings. By state and local bylaws voting in Central/Executive Committee Meetings is limited to members of the Central and Executive Committees.